Tuesday, November 29, 2011

female friendships; friendships man and woman

I've been catching myself lately thinking about people in my life, friends, and friendship. There is a Russian saying "you will know who your true friends are when you are in trouble". So, here I am trying to understand what is true friend, what are friends, and what are friends in between.
Do we choose our friends? Are there friends at all? Do we always act from an Ego?  do we always want something back in return from our friends, or our friendship is unconditional? And what about when you don't hear from them in a while, and you speculate and wonder, why he/she can't just pick up the phone and dial you, and your friend perhaps thinks the same. And here we are waiting on one another to make a first move. While time is passing, months are passing, and nothing happens. I thought of calling first, actually I always did,if its a female friend, then its not an issue calling any time of the day. But if its a male friend,then here is were riddle hides.
Are we only being friends with those whom we enjoy, or learn from, or can "receive" something that we will benefit from?
I personally not clear what true friendship looks like, and feels. Always thought that I was a good friend, while growing up, I had many acquaintances, and only two or three close friends. Those are still in my life, but life has drifted us apart trough years. Oceans separate me with my childhood friend,and only few blocks separates me with another.

why do we become so absorbed in daily mundane life and much absorbed in our own issues,that we only remember friends when we suddenly left alone in our solitude.

I believe that we come into this life alone, with nothing and we leave this life alone with nothing.
How do we become a better friend, how do we know what is what, who is who? I've learned that first we must master to balance our ego and our intuition. Our ego can work for us, and not against us. If you want to have friends, be a good friend first. Learn not to expect much from another, practice compassion and empathy.

Yes, and the friendship between man and a woman...is not possible. or is it ?

I have few good gay gays friends and I enjoy our friendship. But I am talking about... yes, that kind. When you met him, he is into you and you are not. You offer "friendship" he takes it. Another scenario, is you are into him and he is "confused" and offers to be friends. In my opinion its a torture for the one who has feelings. Why would you stick around, oh yes...there is hope, right? maybe he will see how great you are and will change his mind. I've been there before.

Well, I do believe, that great, everlasting relationships starts up as an awesome friendship first. Sigh...and not vice verse.

Ok, I will leave it at that for now...I guess time will show....!?

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