Thursday, August 4, 2011

Flows by the Law of Least Resistance....humble existence

My humble existence since I decided to walk away from my two year job in Westchester in March,2011 had made me realize a lot of things about myself, life, and our material world as well as spiritual.
Still unemployed, and at times feeling that the light at the end of the tunnel will never shine me the way out, I have my low days where I don't even feel like getting up,and just close my eyes and disappear from the harsh and painful reality,and my high days where I'm full of hope inspiration and energy,knowing that its all orchestrated for my highest good.
I've learned and still learning that I can live without certain things that couldn't imagine existing, and thinking were necessary to me before,such as expensive clothes,and twenty pair of shoes. Basic food,that I need to survive on is merely so little that I can sustain my energy levels, no need for fancy caviar and red vine. Exercise that is possible to do at home without spending fortune on gym membership,just so you can use their fresh towel services or watch TV while running on a treadmill.
Spiritual unseen world is all around us, and I've learned that if I constantly sharpen my senses and follow my gut feeling (aka intuition) amazing Divine arrangements start happening that are simply beyond explanation. didn't fall out of the sky to me,but people and situations did that lead me to new job interviews and new meetings.
I also learned that people will always let you down, but if you drop all the expectations it will be much more easier, you still can trust them anyway, you only try to be more in touch with your intuition and use your "inner-filter" cautiously, because in the end of the day you still love and forgive and it helps tremendously for my spiritual growth.
Of course its just impossible to live without internet and mobile phones nowadays,and I am grateful for still having this powerful and helpful connection that aids me to network and search for new avenues of exploring my creativity and network.

Falling down is a part of life...getting back up is living..!!!


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